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Determinism or Free Will?

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On Method I use the terms “calvinist” and “arminian” as a shorthand for the two basic positions. Not to say that those two people believed or taught these specific things, but that their names have become associated with these positions. Even within the two major positions there are a number of variations. In choosing to support one of these positions, I do not mean to assert that those who support one of the other positions… Read More »Determinism or Free Will?


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Suppose there is a group of 20 children in the class, and they all like apples. Would you rather….a) give one apple to each of the 20 childrenb) give three apples to a random 10 of the children, and nothing to the other 10Which do you choose? Option (a) looks fairer, because each child gets the same. Yet each child only gets one apple. 20 apples in all. Option (b) looks less fair, because the… Read More »Apples

On Property : 2 : Justice

In part 1, we looked at Violence, Trade and Law, with regard to Property. The Origin of Property In 1797, Sade wrote “Tracing the right of property back to its source, one infallibly arrives at usurpation. However, theft is only punished because it violates the right of property; but this right is itself nothing in origin but theft“ From this text comes the better known aphorism “All property is theft”. We interpret this with Sade, as… Read More »On Property : 2 : Justice

On Property : 1 : Violence, Trade and Law

When two strangers meet, and one desires something which the other has, the two have two options before them, whether they be individuals, ethnic groups, corporations, or nations. The first option is force: violence or the threat of violence. This option is chosen unilaterally by one party, believing themselves stronger, to take what they desire.The second option is trade. This option is chosen mutually by both parties, deeming themselves equal, to negotiate and agree a… Read More »On Property : 1 : Violence, Trade and Law

The Humanist Delusion

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Humanists assert there are no gods, but that a non-god morality is still possible. Herewith, a straw man, based on different assumptions, to the ones I hold myself. Evolutionists assert that evolution is undirected, and without external meaning. That competition to reproduce is the driving factor. That there is no intrinsic “good” or “evil” in which species survive and prosper. Success is the only criteria. That when the lion eats the gazelle, or the cow eats… Read More »The Humanist Delusion