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Membership of Warlingham Archery Club is open to all members of the community irrespective of ability. Our primary activity is target archery.

Becoming a member

Archery GB has published a set of ‘Codes of Conduct‘ applicable to Members; Adult Archers; Junior Archers; Coaches and officials; and, Spectators, Parents and Carers. We expect everyone to comply at all times.

We recruit new members in one of the following ways:

  1. Introduction to Archery courses:  where those new to archery will receive expert instruction and a general introduction to the modern sport of Archery. Courses are normally run twice a year (spring and autumn), conducted by our qualified coaches with use of our stock of high quality bows and accessories. Upon completion of the course, the trainee will receive a certificate confirming they have completed a course conducted under Archery GB guidelines and may join the Club.
    To reserve a place on our Introduction to Archery course, please contact us.
  2. If applicants have formerly practised archery to an acceptable level (preferably as a member of an Archery GB affiliated club) they have the opportunity of joining. They may be subject to a trial shoot where their abilities and awareness of safety rules will be assessed by 1 of our coaches. 

Note: Junior members over the age of 11 years are welcome but must be accompanied by a responsible adult if under 16 years. 

Contact Us

Annual subscriptions

The Club membership year runs from July to June and the Affiliations (county, regional and national) year runs from October to September. Discounts are given for both – dependant on when you join and also as described below. Subs can be paid by BACS, cheque or cash. The subscriptions for the forthcoming year are agreed at the AGM.

We will only use your details for purposes of managing the Club and to register your affiliation details with ArcheryGB. More details can be found in the Club’s Privacy Policy. Once you are signed up, you can change your ArcheryGB contact preference details on the AGB Members portal.


  1. Where there are two or more members at a single address, one of which must be an adult member, there is a discount of £5/adult and £2.50/junior (pro rata throughout year).
  2. Members attending full time education and residing away from home (e.g. at University) can also receive up to 50% discount on the Club subscription fee.
  3. Members joining throughout the year may receive pro rata discounts.
  4. Archers affiliated elsewhere (with Archery GB or World Archery) can become members of the Club by just paying the Club’s subscription fee. 

Renewing your membership

The Club Secretary will contact you when it is time to renew your membership and inform you the fees to be paid.

You must complete both form (link below) and make your payment – don’t assume completing just one will be enough to renew your membership and affiliations. We need this form so we can comply with GDPR.

Members can renew their membership either using an online form or by downloading, completing and returning a hard copy (email or post).

New member subscriptions

The fees you pay will depend on when you join the Club. 

There are other discounts available, as described above.

Shooting fees at the field

Summer Sundays£2.00£1.00
Winter Sundays£1.00£0.50
Summer Wednesdays£1.00 (usually free)£0.50 (usually free)

There are 4 fee-free Sundays in the year: the AGM (June); the 3-way friendly (July); the Club Championships (September) and the Christmas Fun Shoot (December).

Non members (and affiliated elsewhere) may be asked to pay up to double the published shooting fee.


We are affiliated to the following county, regional and national organisations: Surrey, Southern Counties and Archery GB; respectively.